Susan Pevensie

  • Age: 23

  • Orientation: Heterosexual

  • Sin: Gluttony

  • Lost Item: Her bow, quiver, and arrows.

  • Face Claim: Anna Popplewell

The Chronicles of Narnia

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie are sent to live in Professor Kirke’s home in the English countryside during Word War II. As the children explore the house, Lucy discovers an old wardrobe in a spare room. The wardrobe is actually a passage to Narnia, a world filled with magic. Lucy goes through the wardrobe and meets a goat-legged man named Mr. Tumnus. She learns that Narnia is ruled by the evil White Witch who keeps Narnia under an eternal winter.When Lucy returns to Professor Kirke’s house, she discovers that though she spent hours in Narnia, no time has passed in her world. Her siblings do not believe her story about Narnia because the wardrobe’s portal doesn’t work when they try to go through it. A few days later, when the children are playing hide-and-seek, Lucy hides in the wardrobe, and Edmund follows her into Narnia. Edmund meets the White Witch, who introduces herself as the Queen of Narnia. The Witch feeds Edmund an enchanted form of Turkish delight and asks him to bring his brother and sisters to her.Edmund and Lucy return home, but Edmund lies about having been to Narnia, which deeply hurts Lucy. Peter and Susan seek advice from Professor Kirke, who tells them that Lucy may be telling the truth about finding a magical country. When Professor Kirke’s housekeeper gives a tour of the house, all four children hide in Lucy’s wardrobe and are able to enter Narnia together. They find Mr. Tumnus’ home empty and read a notice saying he’s been arrested for high treason against the White Witch. The children want to help Mr. Tumnus, but a talking animal named Mr. Beaver tells them they are in danger and must come with him to safety. At the Beavers’ dam, the children are told that Aslan the Lion, the true king of Narnia, has been seen and that he will put a stop to the White Witch’s evil rule. The children also learn that they will play a part in the Witch’s downfall because a prophecy says that when four humans sit in the thrones at the castle of Cair Paravel, the Witch will die.Edmund runs away from his siblings to meet the White Witch, and the Beavers take the remaining children to a hiding place to protect them from her. The next morning, Father Christmas arrives at their new hiding place and gives the children presents. He says the Witch’s magic is weakening. When Edmund reaches the Witch’s house, she is angry that he has come alone until he tells her that his brother and sisters are at the Beavers’ house. The Witch dispatches wolves to kill everyone at the Beavers’ house, but they find no one there. The Witch takes Edmund with her as she journeys to an ancient landmark called the Stone Table. As they travel, the eternal winter thaws into spring. Meanwhile, the other Pevensies reach the Stone Table where Aslan and a large group of Narnians welcome them. A wolf sent by the White Witch attacks the company, and Peter kills it with his sword.The White Witch decides to kill Edmund, but a rescue party sent by Aslan saves Edmund and brings him back to the Narnians at the Stone Table. The White Witch demands that Aslan allow her to kill Edmund because traitors are her lawful victims. That night, Susan and Lucy wake and find Aslan leaving the Narnian camp. They follow him. Aslan goes to the White Witch’s camp, where she and her servants mock, then tie up Aslan before killing him. Susan and Lucy are heartbroken, but rejoice when Aslan comes to life again the next day. Aslan takes the girls to the Witch’s castle, where he breathes on the stone statues, including the one of Mr. Tumnus, and restores them to life. Aslan leads the resurrected Narnians to the battlefield where the Witch fights Peter’s army. Aslan kills the Witch, the good Narnians win the battle and the four Pevensies are taken to Cair Paravel to be crowned. The children rule Narnia until they are adults. A hunting trip through the woods leads them back into their own world, where no time has passed and they are children again. Professor Kirke tells them they will all return to Narnia someday, but not through the wardrobe.

Prince Caspian

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie ruled the fantasy world of Narnia for many years. When they returned to the human realm, they became ordinary children again. A year has passed since they left Narnia, and the children are sitting in a railway station, waiting for the trains that will take them back to boarding school. They are suddenly pulled back into Narnia, but they don’t recognize the place at first, because they left a thriving civilization and have returned to a deserted wilderness. They find that 1,000 years of Narnian time has passed during the one year they spent in England, and Narnia is in need of their help again. Trumpkin the dwarf finds them in the ruins of their old castle, Cair Paravel, and tells them that an evil king called Miraz now rules Narnia, and his subjects are called the Telmarines. Young Prince Caspian is the rightful heir to the throne. Caspian wants to end the persecution of Narnia’s talking animals and the other magical creatures that were driven into hiding by Miraz.Trumpkin tells Prince Caspian’s story to the Pevensies, and they all decide to travel to his aid. They have a difficult journey, which is further complicated when the children refuse to follow Lucy. She sees Aslan leading them in a different direction. When their attempts fail, they finally do follow Lucy, who leads them to the Stone Table where Aslan greets them. The girls remain with Aslan while the boys and Trumpkin to go into the Mound, a cave where Caspian’s army is staying. They discover a hag and a werewolf who are trying to convince Caspian to follow the White Witch and bring her back from the dead. Prince Caspian and Trumpkin kill the two evil creatures. Peter decides to help Caspian by offering to fight Miraz by himself. Then the winner of the fight will win the war.Two lords of the Telmarines persuade Miraz to accept the challenge. Miraz fights Peter but is killed by his own men during the duel. A battle breaks out between the Telmarines and the Narnians. Meanwhile, Aslan’s magic restores Narnia to its former glory. When the Telmarines see him, they surrender. Aslan establishes Caspian as the king of Narnia, and the Pevensie children are sent back home to England.

Fatal Flaw

Stubborn, Overprotective, and Selfish

After the "supposed" death of both her childhood friend, Caspian, and her siblings, Peter and Lucy, Susan became overprotective of Edmund. He was the only family that she had left. She had to be realistic and remind him that their siblings couldn't be alive or else they would be there with them now. To protect Edmund she made strict rules that she constantly gets on him about for breaking. She refuses to bend them to give him more freedom stating they needed to be like this to stay together. The rules start to change when Lucy is found alive.


Elementary Teacher

After her younger sibling and babysitting, Susan knew that she loved and could handle children more easily than adults. She watched and helped her mother make lesson plans or even items or gifts for her students and classroom. After the death of her mother, Susan felt it would be fitting to follow in her mother's footsteps. She went to school to get her early childhood and elementary teaching degree. She graduated with honors and secured a job before she even graduated college.


  • Peter Pevensie (Older Brother)

  • Edmund Pevensie (Younger Brother)

  • Lucy Pevensie (Younger Sister)

  • Caspian (Childhood Friend/Crush)


Susan is second born to Christopher and Helen Pevensie in western Connecticut. Each sibling has a two-year gap making them close in age and as siblings. Their father was in the army forcing him to be on deployment and away for most of their childhood. This left their mother as a single mother of four children. While Peter took on a lot of the household chores, Susan tended to mother the younger siblings and help out with her mother's work when she brought it home. Susan enjoyed helping her mother transform the classroom every summer and helping create projects that she needed during the school year. Helping her out made her realize she wished to be a teacher like their mother.Despite helping her mother out, she still got to be a child and play with her siblings and a boy next door, Caspian. Caspian was in the same grade as Peter. They would study together when they were in junior high which meant Susan "hung around" them. She started developing a crush on him that she "tried" to keep hidden. When Susan was twelve Caspian was killed. Susan didn't take the news well and fell into depression, crying herself to sleep for months after his funeral. At the funeral, she did catch a glance of Caspian but convinced herself that she was seeing things and that he wasn't there. The pain of losing someone she cared for was almost unbearable and she "vowed" she'd never fall in love again or lose anyone she ever cared about.Tragedy struck two years later when a storm blew in. Lightning struck their dry grass catching it on fire. The winds whipped the fire around the yard and spread the fire. Within minutes the fire had hit the house and set the house ablaze. The fire took both their parent's life. The four siblings were checked out at the hospital and then placed within the system since they had no family to claim them. Unfortunately, no family wanted to take four children, so the group was split Peter and Lucy ended up together, and Susan and Edmund stayed together. It was hard to be separated from her family especially when Edmund was combative at every corner, causing a lot of fights between the two siblings. Susan tried to enforce a few rules of her own since she wanted to protect Edmund, after all, he was the last family member she had. She couldn't lose him.Susan worked hard in her studies, to bring honor to her parents and siblings, and graduated with honors at seventeen. Susan got accepted into the college in the next town over and moved out of their foster parent's house. However, she didn't want to be away from Edmund so she rented a two-bedroom place on the outskirts of town for them to live while continuing with school.Along with going to school, Susan got a part-time job to support the both of them. This left her away from home and Edmund more than she wished to be, she doubled down on her rules since he was still a minor. They only caused him to be rebellious and run away from home. Susan hadn't known he wasn't home for the first day since she had dropped him off at school then went to school herself, then to her job. By the time she got home she saw him in bed, or what she thought was him, and didn't wake him. It wasn't until the next morning she realized he was missing. She freaked out but instead of jumping the gun and calling the police, she assumed he was tired of her and was safe back at the foster parents home. It took her a few hours before calling to ask about Edmund. They hadn't seen him, so Susan jumped in her car and drove around Starfall looking for her brother. She knew calling the police would put him back in the system and potentially lose him. So every day she looked around hoping to find him on her own. About a week went by and Edmund returned on his own. She clung to him and promised to do better, to lighten up on the rules as long as they stayed together.With Edmund's help around the house and all the late nights, Susan graduated with honors with a double BA in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Studies. Two months before she graduated, Susan signed a contract with Starfall Elementary to work the following year. With the signing bonus, Susan, was able to rent a bigger house, giving them more room to spread out and giving her an office to get things ready for her classroom like her mother had.One day Edmund had done the impossible. He brought Lucy home. It was a miracle and Susan insisted that she moved in with them. She needed both her siblings in her house. It was the only way to keep them close and safe. Susan took the master bedroom to move all her teaching supplies from her office to her room letting Lucy have that bedroom. A few months passed with Lucy living with them when another unthinkable situation presented itself. A man who looked like her old "dead" crush appeared. Susan called out for him and started to chase him down only for him to save her from a mugging. He never confirmed that he was Caspian but she was almost certain this was Caspian. The pair were unaware of the pair of eyes lingering on her. That night she came home and told Edmund about what had transpired; Caspian was alive.A few days had passed and everything seemed normal, except, for the hidden fact that Susan was being stalked. Finally, on a warm night, the stalker broke into her home, woke her up, and told her to be quiet or else her siblings would be killed. He directed her to grab her phone and car keys and headed to her car. She ended up driving to a house in the next town over where she would be held captive and conditioned to be this man's wife. Any time she would make a move to escape or backtalk, he threatened Edmund and Lucy's life. She could only obey to keep her family safe.It took a year of conditioning her, but he finally allowed her to go to the store for food and back. She kept her head down and did what she was told, followed every order to a T when he asked, and let him do most of the talking. She never forgot her siblings, it was the only thing keeping her from going insane in that house, reminding herself that if she stayed "good," they would remain safe.